Trade Named an ABC National Top Performer
We’re extremely proud to have been named an ABC National Top Performer for another year. Trade was ranked #87 Overall and #45 among Top General Contractors.

Alliance Safety Council’s 65th Annual Meeting
Our CFO, Andi Kirkpatrick, was re-elected as Treasurer on the Alliance Safety Council’s Board of Directors for 2024 at their 65th Annual Meeting. Several of Trade’s team members also attended the meeting! We enjoyed learning about the small steps the council has made that are making a big impact on our industry.

Trade University
Our Trade University class is held twice a year and educates new hires (and employees wanting a refresher) on Trade history, what we do, culture, and everything in between! Trade University is always led by Brennan Easley, Trade’s President, at the Easley barn.
Fun Fact: The Easley barn was the home of the original Trade shop before we moved to Joor Road! The barn was rebuilt on the same slab and now holds meetings, trainings, and events for Trade.

Trade Aim F.I.R.S.T. Award Q1
Meet Savannah Jones, Trade’s Quarter 1 Aim F.I.R.S.T. Employee Recognition Winner! Savannah has been an HR Coordinator at Trade for 5 years.
Trade’s Aim F.I.R.S.T. award recognizes employees who embody our core values and demonstrate what it means to “Aim F.I.R.S.T.” on a daily basis!

Summer Internship Program
We’ve had another successful year of Trade’s Summer Internship Program! Our interns spent the summer gaining hands-on experience in our pipe fabrication and construction groups. We’re happy to have had Dylan Armstrong, Nickolas Guarneri, Kyle Langlois, and Briggs Hinton on for the summer!

Annual Family Crawfish Boil
Trade’s Annual Family Crawfish Boil is our favorite event of the year! We enjoyed seeing everyone and we’re thankful for all that attended. Can’t wait for next year!

Trade Aim F.I.R.S.T. Award Q2
Congratulations to Mylene Watts, our Aim F.I.R.S.T. Employee Recognition Winner for Q2!
Mylene has been a dedicated Quality Control Coordinator with Trade for 5 years, consistently embodying our core values: Family, Integrity, Respect, Simplicity, and Team. Thank you, Mylene, for your dedication and hard work!